Monday, August 9, 2010
Weekend Fun
Every family needs to have their "thing", an activity that they can do together. For our family it's bicycling. When I first met my husband, Ken, he was already involved in the sport. It was his stress release and a way to unwind from the day. One fond memeory I have of Ken and his love for biking is when he biked to the place that I worke just to surprise me. While boyfriends past would have just driven Ken did the unexpected and biked to me. It was such a surprise I didn't expect him to be waiting for me after work and especially not in his bike gear. As our courtship continued I did not bike as much as I would have liked to. I didn't have a fondness, to say the least, for this sport. I hated how much my butt hurt and all the other aches and pains this "fun" gave me. Ken was so much faster than I was it really wasn't fun for either of us to ride together. So we gave up this activity in exchange for going out to dinner and spending money on other activities. Ken's parents who have always been involved in the sport kept asking us to go with them on their rides. Most of the time we declined but the persistance was there and Ken still had a passion for this sport. Then we had our son and things changed as they most often do when you become parents. No more going out to eat and spending money we could save. We had the need for a free activity and bicycling was our answer. But now we had a baby. How were we going to include him on our adventures? We looked into carriers and pull behinds and found one on craigs list that we liked. Next was the bike. I wanted to be able to keep up with Ken and not trail behind I wanted us all to stay together and to be able to keep a watchfull eye on my newborn baby. The answer, a tandem bicycle. We searched for one just right price wise and fit. Another must was a bike that could handel the trail and the street. We began our journey back to bikeing together, as a family. We have had many biking adventures and our son has grown to love this sport as well. It has been an activity that we can do as a family and also a great stress release. Biking has given us a sense of freedom and adventure, the ability to work as a team rather than individuals, and great conversation. Ken often ponders the idea of leaving his job and biking around the country. I hope to one day fullfill this wish of his and do a trip around the country with him by myside. Biking for us has been a great family event and a sport we will never again give up. On to plan our next weekend adventure!
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